Pallas's Warbler

Pallas's Warbler
Today was a very cold day for birdwatching, but Steve was rewarded with good sightings of the Pallas's Warbler at Moor Green Lakes, near Finchampstead. It's a very rare bird in the UK and only an occasional visitor to western Europe.

The Pallas's Warbler breeds in southern Siberia and normally winters in subtropical southern China, so this bird is a long way from its normal winter territory!

The pictures aren't great as it was yet another dull grey day with very low light levels. This meant ISO1600 was used - so images were grainy as a result. Add to this the fact that the bird is small (about the size of a Goldcrest) and extremely fast moving - so photographic opportunities are brief!

To spot the Pallas's Leaf Warbler look out along the banks of the Blackwater River and watch out for the groups of Long Tail Tits and Goldcrests moving up and down the river. With a good pair of binoculars, the Pallas's Warbler can be spotted amongst them, and by all accounts has been around for several weeks, so seems quite content in its new Berkshire river-bank home. If in doubt, follow the group of birding enthusiasts who brave all weathers for a glimpse of the bird!