Pallas's Warbler in Berkshire

We re-visited Moor Green Lakes near Finchhampstead in Berkshire today and managed to get some better pictures of the Pallas's Warbler. This rare UK visitor can been seen along the banks of the River Blackwater just past the conveyor belt of the new workings. Be sure to take a sturdy pair of wellies (it's extremely muddy) and follow the birders to see it!

As is normal in January - light levels were challenging for photography, despite the welcome sunshine today, so many of these pictures are taken at ISO1600 speeds with our Canon 500D body and Canon 100-400mm EF IS telephoto lens at F6.3. We try not to use F5.6 on this lens as wide-open it produces noticeably soft images. F6.3 (or F7.1 if light permits) produce sharper images with the Canon 100-400mm push-pull zoom lens, but higher ISO settings are needed to compensate, so there are drawbacks.

Pallas's Warbler Pictures

Pallas's Warbler
Pallas's Warbler
Pallas's Warbler
Pallas's Warbler
Pallas's Warbler
Pallas's Warbler

Pallas's Warbler at Moor Green Lakes - Short HD Video