Blue Tits Gathering Food

Blue Tit with CaterpillarBlue Tit in nest box
The unseasonable weather has finally picked up and our Blue Tits now have young in the Greenham Birding nest box on the side of the house. This adult is very busy gathering caterpillars for the growing chicks. Feeding starts at dawn and extends to dusk, which must be exhausting work for such small birds!

Interestingly, the adults take in a mixture of food which includes various winged insects and caterpillars as well as small pieces of the fat balls and sunflower hearts from our selection of feeders.

Sophie made the nest box herself at RSPB Arne and  just a month after it was put up last year, it was occupied by Blue Tits who successfully raised young. This year the nesting season is much later due to the very cold spring (the coldest for 50 years). At least food appears to be readily available now that the trees are in full summer foliage. Fingers crossed that the chicks successfully fledge in a few weeks time!